RariTEK-Tekhnologii values its reputation as an enterprise that produces only high-quality, reliable products that meet any customer's needs as much as possible. For this purpose, the Company has created its quality service that monitors compliance with production technology at every stage- from the purchase of materials to the release of products to the warehouse.

We have developed the following specifications:

1. TU No. 5282-002-44949627-2011 for production of frame and membrane shelters (tent hangars). The products have the Certificate of Conformity No. ROSS RU. AG81. N02692.

The structures are designed for wind and snow loads taking into account the installation area.

2. TU No. 3661-003-44949627-2011 for production of shelters for drilling rigs.

The products are certified. Certificate of Сonformity No. ROSS RU. AG81. N02693.
