"Awning facilities are a part of the culture....»


"Awning facilities are a part of the culture....»

On May 20, the city of Bolghar held the traditional holiday called Izge Bolghar Zhyyeny (Holy Bulgar Meeting). This event is connected with the voluntary adoption of Islam by the ancestors of the modern Tatars on May 21, 922. The Muslims were congratulated on this event by the Tatarstan President -Mr. Rustam Minnikhanov and by the State Councilor of the Republic of Tatarstan-Mr. Mintimer Shaimiyev. After the opening ceremony of the holiday, Mr. Minnikhanov and Mr. Shaimiyev took a walk along the Volga strand, which was decorated with various elements of the culture of Volga Bulgaria.

These days, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan presented significant projects for development of Bolghar as one of the main tourist centers of Russia to the management of the Republic. There were also projects of a series of unique tent pavilions specially designed for Bolghar Open Air Museum, which were presented by the Art Director of RariTEK-Tekhnologii LLC -Mr. Khairullin Anvar Asfandiyarovich.

Tent structures, as necessary parts to ensure a comfortable stay for tourists (equipment rental, trade, cafes, restaurants), should be combined with ancient culture, become elements of the museum's exposition, and accomplish the surrounding architectural space of the Museum and Reserve, thereby creating a unique architectural and artistic composition-the image of the ancient city of Bolghar, the capital of Volga Bulgaria.

Bolghar Facility is an outstanding example of the Muslim medieval architecture and archaeology and it is the best preserved monument in Eastern Europe. This is the world's northernmost monument of the Muslim architecture, a unique and almost the only example of Bulgarian and Tatar architecture of the XIII-XIV centuries in Eurasia presenting a high level and specific feature.

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