Installation services

Our company offers installation or supervised installation of frame and tent structures. The installation procedure is done by a team of 4 or 5 specialists. The installation schedule varies by size and configuration of facilities. Our team, for example, can install a 24x12m double-layer tent with lighting and electricity systems within 10 days.

For construction companies or those customers who can do the installation all by themselves, we offer installation supervision services to ensure that the frame and tent structure is installed in a proper manner. Our installation specialist will visit the site and provide you with installation advice.

Our company is committed to giving pre-installation tips for a particular site, best foundation loads and pillar arrangement diagrams.

Hangars use one of the following types of foundations as a base:

Road slab foundation

This hangar can be placed on a 6x2 m platform of prestressed road slabs 140-160 mm thick. The frame is fixed to the road slabs with anchor bolts.

Strip foundation

It includes a 219x6 mm diameter pipe placed on a ready-made trench 400 mm deep with 100 mm compacted sandy backfill. The pipe is installed on the perimeter of the hangar. The hangar frame is bolted to the pipe-attached base slabs.

Pillar foundation

Pillar foundation is allowed only after geotechnical surveys of the site. This type foundation work can be usually done by a contractor that prepares the construction site.

Screw piles

They are hollow steel pipes with one end fitted with an auger, i.e. a helical blade that screws it into the ground. The manufacturing maths for screw piles requires geotechnical surveys. The soil data retrieved is used in the calculation of the structure of screw piles.
